
On-site or on call our engineering teams provide a seamless solutions in maintaining buildings at their optimum across the UK

ECG Facilities Services provide the key skills and quality assured expertise to maintain, operate and manage the full spectrum of building services from strategic centres throughout the UK. Whether Critical, Non-Critical or Preventative, ECGFS have the solution to satisfy the level of maintenance any property may require through it’s lifecycle.

Our aim is always to add value in the shortest timeframe after mobilisation of a property or portfolio’s maintenance and understand the asset by instigating a thorough study and analysis – then producing a strategic plan in consultation with clients which will deliver optimum efficiencies, economies and sustainability throughout the facilities contract.

Fully integrated real-time technology helps deliver ECGFS expertise in the field, drawing on CAFM links to our engineers in the field, supported by reliable Management Information Systems and the increasingly important asset of remote auditing.


Centralised customer support enables exceptional management information and transparency to be shared with our client partners. Cloud based and real-time, from anywhere in the world.

Years of experience and expertise enhance the ECGFS offering: continuity of management and teamwork is a powerful advantage for any client. Clarity of communication with professionals who understand every aspect of the business adds extra efficiency to every job.